Reszon at Analitica Latin America 2017 and Visit to HCDMUSP

Reszon at Analitica Latin America 2017 and Visit to HCDMUSP
September 29, 2017 Editorial Reszon

29 Sep 2017

Reszon Diagnostics International Sdn Bhd (Reszon) showcased at Analitica Latin America 2017, São Paulo Expo, Brazil from 26-28 September 2017. Reszon’s Drug of Abuse Rapid Tests were being highlighted and featured during the expo.

Brazil is a neighbour to the world’s biggest cocaine-producing countries, and its borders are vast, remote and largely unguarded. This has indirectly offered a big market of crack cocaine consumers.

From the recent market visit, we learned that Brazil has the largest hospital infrastructure market in Latin America, but remains fragmented. There are over 7,800 hospitals in the country. We visited The Clinical Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (HCFMUSP), the largest and most important medical-hospital complex in Latin America and an international reference in several areas.

It was a good exposure to the medical infrastructure and learning about the market insights from this visit and exhibition. We offer various diagnostic kits that are compatible with international diagnostic requirement and standards!

Till we meet again!


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