The world witnessed its first case of Extensively Drug-Resistant—Typhoid Fever (XDR-TF) in late 2016 when Pakistan’s second most populated province—Sindh—reported a huge influx of blood-culture confirmed Typhoid Fever (TF) cases that were refractory to standard therapy.
Pakistan has been in an ongoing struggle against XDR-TF for almost 6 years now. There has been a recent surge in cases observed in its most populated city, Karachi.
While vaccination is an effective, short-term solution to curb the spread of XDR TF, a holistic approach entailing sustainable long-term measures needs to be implemented. The provision of adequate sanitation, clean drinking water, and a system for waste management should be ensured by the government in underprivileged areas, as they are the primary source of transmission of infectious diseases. Additionally, widespread vaccination programs and public awareness campaigns addressing proper hygiene practices should be routinely conducted. Knowing that antimicrobial resistance leads to the emergence of newer more resistant strains, strict laws should be set in place to ensure that healthcare workers do not over-prescribe antibiotics.
Reszon Typhoid Rapid lgM Test Kit and Reszon Typhoid Rapid lgG/lgM (Combo) Test Kit are immunochromatographic assays designed for the qualitative detection of Typhoid fever. Reszon Typhoid Rapid IgM Test Kit is designed to detect specific IgM antibodies against a specific Salmonella typhi antigen in human serum, plasma, or whole blood specimens. Reszon Typhoid Rapid lgG/lgM (Combo) Test Kit is intended for qualitative detection and differentiation of specific IgM and IgG antibodies against specific Salmonella typhi OMP antigens in human serum or plasma specimens.
Both test kits are available in the packing size of 25 tests per kit and are intended to be used by a medical professional for early diagnosis of Typhoid fever.
Muhammad Hammad Butt et. Al. (2022) Rising XDR-Typhoid Fever Cases in Pakistan: Are We Heading Back to the Pre-antibiotic Era? Frontiers Public Health, 17 January 2022 Sec. Infectious Diseases – Surveillance, Prevention and Treatment Volume 9 – 2021