
  • Industry News

    New Typhoid Vaccine Recommended by WHO

    - by Editorial Reszon

    World Health Organization (WHO) recommended a new vaccine for typhoid fever for infants and children over 6 months in typhoid endemic region. This new vaccine was expected to have a huge impact on typhoid cases globally as it was said to prevent nine out of ten cases of typhoid1. No currently available vaccines against typhoid are meant for children under the age of 2, which is particularly at higher risk of typhoid infection.

  • Reszon News

    Reszon at Analitica Latin America 2017 and Visit to HCDMUSP

    - by Editorial Reszon

    Reszon Diagnostics International Sdn Bhd (Reszon) showcased at Analitica Latin America 2017, São Paulo Expo, Brazil from 26-28 September 2017. Reszon’s Drug of Abuse Rapid Tests were being highlighted and featured during the expo.

  • Industry News

    Rising Alarm on Drugs Among Teenagers

    - by Editorial Reszon

    Recently, the alarming news of 7 youngsters arrested for causing a deadly fire at an Islamic boarding school in Keramat which killed 21 students and 2 teachers had shocked our society. The suspects, who aged between 11 to 18 years olds with 6 of them were tested positive for marijuana (ganja) and reportedly were high on drugs when committing the crime.

  • Industry News

    Malaria: An Ongoing Threat

    - by Editorial Reszon

    Malaria is one the leading cause of sickness and death in many countries, especially among children. Severe malaria may occur if patients did not get proper diagnosis and treatment quickly, which is usually the case in most countries.

  • Reszon News

    New Version of Reszon Malaria Rapid (Pan/Pf) Test Kit – Released Now

    - by Editorial Reszon

    We are proud to announce that the new version of Malaria Rapid (Pan/Pf) Test is now available at Reszon! Malaria Rapid (Pan/Pf) test is a rapid immunochromatography assay used for qualitative detection and differentiation of Plasmodium falciparum and/or Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium ovale and Plasmodium malariae antigen in whole blood.